IntegrationsZapierCreate An Action

Create an Action

In this step you can add any of your prefered platform. As an example we are integrating with Google Drive.

Search and select Google Drive action.

Search and Select Google Drive

From the Events for Google Drive, scroll down, select Upload File, and click on Continue.

Select Action - Upload File

Log in to your Google Drive account.

Since I’ve been testing the setup, my account is already logged in. You will see the + Connect a new account button to log in.

Connect Google Drive Account

Now, let’s set up the Actions.

Setup Action

Click on the Drive drop-down and select My Google Drive or any other drive that you have connected on Google Drive.

Select Drive

Click on the Folder drop-down and select your desired destination for the Carousel.

I created the folder on my drive with the title Posts From PostNitro.

Select Folder

Click on the File drop-down and select Carousel Url.

Since we pass three parameters to Zapier, the Carousel Url parameter contains the carousel post in PDF format. The URL sent here is a public link to the PDF document.

Select File

Click on the Convert to Document drop-down and select False. Since we are already passing the data in PDF format, conversion here is not required.

Convert to Document

Click on the File Name drop-down and select the Carousel Name parameter. This is the same name users set for their carousel posts.

Set File Name

Click on the File Extension and enter “pdf”.

Set File Extension

Now everything is set. Click on Continue.

Setup Ready

Finally, click on the Test step button to test the Zap.

Test Zap

You will get a success notification; now, all you need to do is Publish your Zap.

Publish Zap

To validate, navigate to your selected folder to see the PDF file on Google Drive.

Sample File on G Drive

Pro tip: Don’t forget to name your Zap :D

Name Zap